They Achieved Success with no College Degree!

Entrepreneurs with no College Degree

Driving to bring solutions to the market.

Online Business MBA for entrepreneurs

Mark Zuckerberg

Internet Entrepreneur

Dropping out of his Sophomore year at Harvard, he was off to pursue his Facebook software project. Having training as a programmer through a private tutor since middle school, his creative talent lead to a product that offered a social media solution in the computer age. By the age of 23, he became the world’s youngest self-made billionaire.

Online Business MBA for entrepreneurs

Bill Gates

Software Developer

At the age of 13, he wrote his first computer program, launching his interest in software development. After dropping out of Harvard after two years and founding Microsoft with his partners, he went on to develop powerful software solutions for business and personal use. He continues to this day to invest in entrepreneurial business start-ups, seeking solutions needed in our world today.

Online Business MBA for entrepreneurs

Colonel Sanders


Through an entire career of odd jobs, business start-ups and failures, he ultimately developed the recipe for his famous chicken and launched his franchise at the age of 65. He exemplifies the true spirit of the entrepreneur, through creativity developing a product as well as marketing his product through the franchise. Over the next seven years his product was known internationally.

John D. Rockefeller

Oil Industry Magnate
Beginning his career at age 16, he continues to hold the title as the wealthiest American. Partnering to form a start-up refining business of which finally became Standard Oil, his entrepreneurial efforts brought solutions to a new fuel oil market. His continued innovation to develop gasoline and to lower the production costs of oil, lead to his success.

Online Business MBA for entrepreneurs

Henry Ford


With little higher education, the founder of Ford Motor Company, started working as an apprentice machinist and persisted at developing his motor car, with the ultimate goal to build a low cost motorized vehicle for all. He understood the key to creativity and innovation is the importance of how to “Think.”

Online Business MBA for entrepreneurs

Steve Jobs

Industrial Designer

Having dropped out of Reed College, unwilling to pay the high tuition costs for a degree of little value, he launched his career into a field of computer development with key business partners at a time when college level computer classes didn’t really exist. The products he developed with his teams and companies lead in innovation to this day.